Hong Kong

Retail Channels

We are the global leader in prestige beauty. Our exceptional portfolio of brands is diversified by category, geography and channel, allowing us to offer consumers the very best where and when they like to shop.

Critical to our global success is a focus on cultural relevance — the ability to ensure that our products, messaging and in-store experiences reflect the aspirations and desires of consumers in local markets. And as shopping behaviors evolve — driven by technology, demographic shifts and the growing affluence of populations in emerging markets — our ability to be nimble becomes more important.

  • 1,600±Freestanding stores
  • 150±Countries and territories


Being selective and strategic about how and where individual brands are sold preserves our prestige positioning while delivering a superior experience to the consumer. Harmonizing our online capabilities and social media conversations with our retail presence is how we tie it all together to provide shoppers with a seamless omnichannel experience.

Staying close — and even two steps ahead — is how we best serve the most discerning consumers around the world. At retail, through digital commerce and on social media platforms, we are listening for what the customer needs while developing tomorrow’s beauty trends.

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